SUNDAY August 19, 9am to 4pm Spoon Carving Workshop with Alex Forbes and her Wonder Wagon traveling studio. If interested please contact me ASAP - Diane Gayer at greentaraspace@gmail.com

This one-day workshop leads participants through the creation of their own cooking / serving ladle out of cherry, maple, mahogany or other hardwood. Starting with a conversation about design and use, participants will choose wood and begin designing and shaping their spatula. You will be using a band saw to cut out the initial shape and then using a number of hand carving and shaping tools including gouges, spoke shaves and rasps. Then carvers will shape and finish a spatula to a fine polish ready for the kitchen.

This workshop is for anyone hankering to carve a ladle, spoon or spatula and who likes working with their hands. Beginners and experienced carvers welcome. Alex’s workshop can be seen here: http://vimeo.com/84880454